Friday, June 3, 2016

New Productivity Book: Vote on Your Favorite Book Cover

And Grab Some of My Favorite Planning Forms Now

From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

You’ve spoken! I’m only in day two of collecting my 2016 Reader Survey results but one thing is VERY CLEAR. The number one challenge the readers of this blog have is “I don’t have enough time.(I’ve embedded the live data chart below. The poll is still open.)


Preorder Price $6.95

CCT Reader Poll Survey Question: What is the #1 challenge you have right now?

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What Is This Create Your Own Planner Kit?

I have something I think will help many teachers. For years, I have made my own planner. I adapt it depending on my situation. This kit includes:

  • templates,
  • how-to instructions, and
  • videos explaining how to edit and make your own planner.

Will you help by voting on your favorite cover? I’m doing this quick project myself. I don’t have all the regular ways of publishing available such as getting feedback from reviewers, etc. So, I’m just using readers as reviewers and taking your feedback. Thank you in advance!

Preorder Now $6.95

POLL: What is your favorite book cover and title?


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Why Create Your Personal Planning System?

You personalize your playlist. You friend who you want. You should have a planner that is as unique as you are. The goal of this piece is to help you design and create the perfect planning system for your lifestyle. I also want you to know how to adapt the system based on your needs at that moment.

Just sign up at the bottom, and I’ll let you know when it releases. I’ll also send you a copy of some of my planner forms.

You can also preorder now at a discount if you’re interested. You won’t be charged until it releases.

The post New Productivity Book: Vote on Your Favorite Book Cover appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

from Cool Cat Teacher BlogCool Cat Teacher Blog

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